If you are a marketer , you probably want to have some reports, like clicks, views (either unique or not), bounces and details about them.
So, your best choice is the Control Panel, where you can import the mailing lists, provide the HTML / text to be sent, type the subject of the message and then "press the send button". It is that easy!
Your emails will be delivered to all. You get the reports updated in real-time.
Using Private Cloud SMTP Servers with a dedicated IP address allows you to have SPF and DKIM configurations for your domain. These setups are essential to ensure direct delivery to the user's inbox. You can use your domain at no extra cost.
Other clients cannot affect your work because they don't have access to your IP address.
Control Panel installed and ready to use. There is no need for any further configuration at your side.
Absolutely easy to use.
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